Welcome to Pacific Islands Bible College
Pacific Islands Bible College is a tuition free school of Bible-based instruction designed to help Christians to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). We are preparing Christians as soul-winners, teachers, preachers, elders and deacons to be more effective and fruitful servants in the Lord’s church. In addition we give the opportunity for non-members of the church of Christ who wish to study the Bible to attend Pacific Islands Bible College classes. Students are able to take courses in the classroom, by DVD or correspondence. The most unique aspect of the college is the students never have to leave their country. They can learn and receive their diploma while worshiping and serving in their home congregation.
Pacific Islands Bible College instructors are sound and faithful Bible teachers and preachers of the gospel who are careful to “rightly divide” the Bible text (2 Timothy 2:15). Our curriculum is a comprehensive, well balanced program that teaches all the books of the Bible, Bible related courses, and church related subjects. Students can take classes for credit or audit.
I invite you to apply today, look at our catalog, or contact us if you need more information.
-Robert H. Martin (Director of Pacific Islands Bible College)