About Us

Exciting News About Christian Education And Training In The Pacific Islands.
April 1996 saw the beginning of a new training program for the Pacific Islands. It was different because of the unique make-up of the Pacific Islands. Unlike land-locked countries of the world, the Pacific Islands are scattered across the Pacific Ocean. These far-flung island countries go north and south of the equator and east and west of the International Date Line. After ten years of planning, preparing, and praying, Robert H. Martin, a veteran missionary to the Pacific since 1973, recognized the need for the Pacific islanders to have advanced Bible knowledge and training so in 1996 Pacific Islands Bible College (PIBC) was started. It was not practical to have a school in one place so a plan was formulated to carry the school to the students in the countries where they lived. Students who are taught and trained stay and work in the local congregation where they are members.

This school of higher learning is called the Pacific Islands Bible College (PIBC). We believe that this college will make a great and everlasting impact on the Lord’s church and work in the Pacific Islands.

Pacific Islands Bible College Goals – Mission Statement.
The purpose of the college is to increase the Bible knowledge, Bible study skills, and evangelistic methods of church leaders, preachers, teachers, and soul winners in the Pacific Islands. These leaders can evangelize, edify, and enable the church to mature and grow so as to be INDIGENOUS/SELF SUPPORTING. These goals apply to both brothers and sisters in their respective Biblical roles.

Classroom and DVD Bible Teaching and Training.
The Pacific Islands Bible College classes consist of 31 courses covering the entire Bible and church related subjects. The students can take courses in the classroom, by DVD or by correspondence within strict guidelines.

Our Goal – Courses Available To Christians In Every Pacific Island Country.
Courses are taught in classroom settings, by DVD, and by correspondence courses. All courses are offered FREE. Every Christian can participate. PIBC will offer a diploma in Biblical Studies to those who complete all 20 required course list and 4 from the optional course list and make a passing grade on all exams.

The Growth Of PIBC.
In September 2005, with PIBC growing very rapidly, Robert Martin brought Stacy Ferguson on as the Assistant Director and what an asset he has been to PIBC. In 28 years PIBC has grown from 52 students enrolled to 2,897 students and growing. Students are graduating annually. We are in 27 locations in the Pacific and 7 countries outside the Pacific and we use at least 20+ instructors.

Apply today, look at our catalog, or contact us if you need more information.